Friday, December 5, 2014

Gobble, Gobble, Turkey Break...

This year for Thanksgiving, we were treated by Nana and Pops to a little vacation at the beach! We met up with Nana & Pops, Michelle, DB, & Thane, along with Daniel's aunts, uncle, and cousins at Surfside Beach (on the coast south of Houston).
Picture above shows all of the cousins with the grandkids...what a fun group! Let's just say that even though it may have been too cold to swim, we still had a blast soakin up the rays!
The kids played on the beach everyday and even splashed around in the water. As all kids, they loved getting their hands dirty!
The best part of the trip was how relaxing it was. We sat out on the deck enjoying each others company while the kids played, we took long strolls alongside the water, and ate deliciously!
The guys did have fun spending time doing a little fishing! Kason fell in love with fishing and did so good...
The guys said he caught around 4-5! My heart melted to see how much my little rascals just love and adore their cousin Thane...
I mean, they couldn't seem to keep their hands off of him or stay away from playing with him :). The other part of relaxing, is the family time we got to spend together. 
All of us enjoyed some snuggles, especially with Nana and Pops...
On Thanksgiving day, some of us enjoyed two meals thanks to a cafe serving lunch for free!
As you can see, no one complaining about it one bit :). While we awaited our dinner, the kids enjoyed flying a kite...
 the wind was strong coming off the water, so it was perfect kite weather. Kason was flipping out...
and of course Zoe couldn't help her excitement either...
 and big brother was sweet enough to let her have a try!
 After kites, I set up an area for the kids to make their own turkeys out of playdough...
 along with a little coloring fun...
 I always love getting together with the Clayton side because their meals are always amazing!
I was especially excited this year because my parents had the day off so they joined us at the beach house for dinner...
It's always a joy to catch up with Daniel's family...
 as well as having everyone love on my little turkeys...
 Sadly, right before dinner our sweet Mr. Max had a seizure. Therefore, I ended up spending the rest of the trip keeping him quarantined and away from loads of stimulation. He ended up running fever for nearly a week. Up side, I got hours of snuggle time with this guy...
Downside, after his virus ran its course he started coughing/wheezing/struggling to breath. We then found out he most likely aspirated during the seizure and developed aspiration pneumonia. He's back on oxygen, breathing treatments, and medicine...but I know it won't be too long until we see this bubbly guy again!
Since a few of my gobble, gobble kid activities were cut short that day, I did make sure the other turkeys were able to smash our annual Thanksgiving pinata...
 Zoe was a little too timid to take a swing, but she sure jumped in there with the rest of them once it busted and she saw the goodies inside!
 Even though this trip had an eventful episode (which is sadly "normal" for our family), we still had such a great time. The Clayton Crew is so thankful to Nana and Pops for spoiling us with the beach house and family vacation...
 Our three turkeys really enjoyed their time spent with Aunt Sandra and Aunt Debra...
 Not only do I love getting together with family, but I especially love this time of year where we take time to focus on the rich blessings we are grateful for.
While these little turkeys and I may have gobbled till we wobbled, we still had a joyous time during our gobble, gobble turkey vacation!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures! So glad you had a great time besides poor Max's little episode.
