Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Little lady is a feisty little thing full of all kinds of sass and attitude! I like to refer to her as already having the "princess syndrome". She is a gorgeous little thing and I think she definitely knows that about herself :)...
Zoe really does have a fun personality and I love how expressive she is with all her little faces...
Little lady started walking about a month ago (at 14 months) and after being extremely cautious for a couple of weeks, she has really taken off trying to keep up with Kason! Below is a picture of her first steps...
We were visiting the bike shop and she just had to show off for our friend Derek who works there. Of course, I looked like a crazy lady because I got overly excited for her :). Now that Zoe is walking, she thinks she is too big for her britches. She is getting into EVERYTHING...
I believe that is one of her most favorite past times. It is like she is scheming about which cabinet to get into to dump everything out before I can get to her...little stinker! Her other love right now is climbing up on EVERYTHING...
 again, the little rascal is so quick that I have a hard time catching her. Of course she just looks at me and smiles all innocent full of sweetness like she isn't doing anything wrong! She is definitely giving me a workout just by keeping up with her :). Thankfully Kason is such an awesome big brother, that he helps me out from time to time. Zoe seriously adores him and just like Max, she smiles for him the most...
In fact, in the mornings when she hears him coming into her room while I change her diaper she starts to squeal. Even though Max and Zoe get jealous of one another, she really does love to play with him...especially when they take over brother's tent together!
Little lady LOVES to eat...all.the.time. This is a classic picture of her that we see on a regular basis...
 She is totally a double fister when she eats :)...she likes to especially store up food in her chipmunk cheeks. Thankfully she eats pretty much everything we put on her plate, but she is a petite little thing. She is only in the 25% for her age, but we don't have to worry since she is eating such large portions for each meal. Zoe also loves to play in her kitchen, especially with her teapot that "boils water"...
 Another favorite hot spot to play is in her room with her girly toys. She absolutely adores her purses and shoes...
 She isn't a big fan of bows, but she does love to accessorize with necklaces and bracelets. Zoe has always been our biggest cuddle bug of the three and can't seem to get enough hugs/snuggles with stuffed animals or dolls...she just grins from ear to ear hugging them while she walks around the is too precious! Of course, with having brothers she can't get away from their obsession with balls...
 so she has recently fallen in love with any type of ball she can get her hands on. Zoe loves the outdoors right alongside her brothers and LOVES to play cars with them. She will spin the wheels on the car against the floor saying "vroom vroom"! Little lady is very good at playing independently for small amounts of time...
 and she already likes to pretend play like she is either feeding herself or you. She also can't get enough of talking on the phone... 
 who knew this would start so early!!! Zoe is only 15 months, but is talking like crazy saying: momma, dadda, ball, more, thank you, hi (while holding the phone to her ear), wiggle (thanks to cousin Sadie), Daisy (Aunt Shaye's dog), yum yum, and dog. This girl can already follow directions like when we say lets eat, she goes and climbs up her chair or when we say lets change your diaper she lays down immediately. She loves to wave bye bye and blow kisses to anyone who will give her a little attention. She doesn't say the word no yet, but she definitely has the head shake "no" down which she exercises on a daily basis :). Oh, how we love her so...feisty spirit, sass, attitude, and all!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like her & Sadie will be best friends with all their girly hobbies! Although I feel for you because Sadie has never been a climber & a lot of her friends are. Those kids scare me to death because every time I turn around they are on top of something. Luckily Sadie is short & she hasn't figured out the climbing thing yet but I'm sure she will soon enough - especially if she sees Zoe doing it!
