Sunday, November 17, 2013

Baby Thane is Here!

Last Sunday, we were thrilled to get the call that Daniel's sister, our Aunt Michelle, went into labor with our soon to be cousin, Thane! We were all excitement and chatter on our end because this is their first born and our first boy cousin...we were all itching to go meet the newest Simmons addition. On Monday when Daniel got off work, we loaded up the family and went on a mini-road trip to Ft. Worth to surprise Aunt Michelle and DB at the hospital...
 They had no clue we were coming, which was a great surprise to walk in to the room and see their shocked faces. Daniel and Michelle are really close, so it was important to him to be there for his sister and meet his nephew. 
I am proud to introduce to you the most irresistible little man, Mr. Raymond Thane Simmons. He was born early Monday morning (November 11th) at 12:37 am weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces.
Is he not the most precious little fella? I couldn't get enough of him during or short visit and am already counting down the days to see him again at Christmas. Kason was super excited to meet him, but was really shy when we got there. He wasn't willing to hold him on his own, but he was excited to sit next to me and love on his new cousin...
 Max had to hang out in the car since we weren't comfortable taking him into a hospital, so we took turns chillin' with him. Zoe on the other hand wasn't really sure what to think about Baby Thane. She was intrigued and would kind of smirk at me then lightly touch his was adorable!
Once Thane got into Nana's arms and Kason started feeling more comfortable being in the hospital room, he eventually couldn't seem to keep his hands...
or his kisses to himself :)...
 The proud parents are doing fantastic and are slowly adjusting to life with a new little one...
 Daniel and I are very happy for Aunt Michelle and DB because we know they are going to be amazing parents...
 We look forward to seeing the strong yet gentle and compassionate giant (yes, I'm sure by the size of his hands he will be tall just like his mommy and daddy) that Thane will become.
 He will probably be fun loving, laid back, and sweet as can be if he follows in his parents' footsteps.
It was so hard to say goodbye after only spending one day with the Simmons family, but we couldn't help but leave them with a parting gift...
in true Clayton Crew style, we welcomed them home with a party celebration (with a little help from Nana)!
Congratulations Aunt Michelle and DB on your handsome little man. Daniel and I look forward to many years of rambunctious little cousins becoming best friends, our homes full of precious giggles, and multiple little feet running between our legs at all of our family gatherings :)!

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