Friday, December 16, 2016

Bat Field Trip...

Last week I had the pleasure of accompanying Kason on another school field trip...this time to Austin Nature & Science Center to learn about bats! Seriously, could this learning experience be more perfect for my little man?! The instructor had all sorts of tricks up his sleeve besides just digital images and video...
 He showed the kids real bat skeletons...
 and preserved bats...
 They got to experience different ear styles of bats and observe how each style helps that species of bat.
 The coolest part was the center had a live bat in a cage the kids were able to see! Mrs. Patterson even showed her students how bats fly...
 Their third rotation was to play a bat survival game answering true/false questions about their bat knowledge...
 We wrapped up the exhibit by exploring their learning room...
I'm going to be real honest here when I confess that these 2nd graders had a higher bat IQ than us mommas! They have been learning about bats at school, so they were super excited to try out their bat knowledge during their field trip. What fun to watch these little minds grow and soak up as many facts as possible!

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