Thursday, September 10, 2015

Zoe's Big Day is FINALLY Here!!!

Friends, little lady has been anxiously awaiting this day for over a year now...
 That's right...
Eeek! It has been torture for her to drop her brothers off everyday and not feel like she was included or had a place to go. We took a tour of the school this summer and since then she yells at me with excitement every.single.time we pass by...which is a lot considering the preschool is right outside our neighborhood :).
 She was BEAMING all morning getting ready and was bubbling with excitement walking through the doors.
She cracked me up how she practically pushed me out the door to leave her there like she was big stuff. She waltzed in like she owned the joint, helped me put her things away, said good morning to the teachers, then got down to business...
 While trying to coordinate pick up times with her teacher because of Max, Zoe kept yelling "bye" to me while waving (multiple times I might add)...haha...she couldn't kick me out fast enough! I think it's hilarious that with your first, they are more timid and don't want you to go...
but boy, by your third they sure do boot you out with a sweet smile! I'm going to miss my little momma side kick for sure every Monday and Wednesday, but we both LOVE her school and are excited to see how she flourishes in this new environment. Her first day was a success as she strutted to the car with a mile wide smile and immediately told me that "she made new friends today mom mom"! I sure do love her to pieces :).

*Since I'm catching up on my blog, I haven't had a chance to share her meet the teacher pictures. Therefore, we are going to play tag along here. We chose to go to meet the teacher on a Friday morning since Daniel has off and the boys are at school, so we could make this a special event just for her. Let me just say she was a doll getting ready, helping me pick out her outfit, put on jewelry, and even grabbing her purse...haha! She was elated to show her daddy around...
I love her spunky personality and how she isn't afraid to conquer new situations. She is my little one that loves to meet new people and makes friends wherever we go. So I just know that she will be making several other little fishy friends this year :)...
Her teacher is actually from England which is super fun! Mrs. Alison is the absolute sweetest and we couldn't be more thrilled with her as our teacher...
 Zoe is ready to rock not just her big day, but her school year!

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