Thursday, August 28, 2014

Now We're Cookin'...

We love to cook, especially bake, around our home. I started Kason in the kitchen when he was around two. Since little lady just came of age, Kason and I thought it would be great fun to christen her in last week before he headed to school.
We donned our aprons and went to work making the kids (and Daniel's) absolute favorite...chocolate chip cookies! Zoe was so tickled to help scoop and pour...
 But I think her favorite part was licking the spoon ;)...
 Super excited to have another flour child around the house...
I love, love, love my time in the kitchen with Kason. Not only does he enjoy being a helper and learning the ins and outs of cooking, but it's easy to get him talking while we cook. I am already looking forward to the lovin' from the oven I'm going to have with these two sous chefs!

1 comment:

  1. I just started baking with Sadie this summer also! She loves to help me & has gotten much better from when we first started :) She is not as messy, she is more patient & she isn't sticking her fingers in everything like she did at first! But our favorite part is licking the spoons & the bowl as well!
