Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not Gonna Happen Mom...

Max started out fairly interested in baby food, especially when it came to bananas. Over a little time and trying a couple more baby food options, he decided to change his now he bites down on his lips so nothing delicious can go in...little stinker! As of right now, I can get him to sample bananas, peaches, and sweet potatoes. While working with our speech therapist, she thought it would be good for Max to start exploring his baby food to see how he handles the sensory touch of it along with seeing if he will suck on his hands after he realizes there is a yummy gooey mess on them...maybe this might be a way to have a positive eating experience without forcing anything in his mouth. To start off, I put some on his tray and smeared it around a little with the spoon and his hand...
He pretty much just stared at the peaches like what in the world is this woman doing to me! Then, when he realized it was on his hand...
 He didn't quite agree with me that this was great idea! After a little coaxing, I got him to play with his spoon a little bit. He refused to put his hands in his mouth, but he did touch his spoon to his mouth a couple of times...
 that's right friends...he was a little perturbed! While he may not have enjoyed this messy treat, the rest of the Clayton Crew sure had fun trying to get him dirty!

*Interesting New Info on Mr. Max*
The other day I had to pick up Max's medical records from the hospital for a meeting I had. Of course I had to dive in to the oh-so intriguing material to see if I had ever missed anything because I am the type of mommy who wants to know every detail about my little guy's medical situation. While trying not to get depressed by his difficult journey, I discovered a tid bit of information that I never knew. Right after his birth, during his initial examination, the doctor's findings were that he was consistent with a 24-25 weeker. Why is this interesting to me? Well, I delivered the day I turned 27 weeks, but during my entire pregnancy he measured really small which was odd considering Kason was on the really large side (weighing 1 pound larger than most 29 weekers) and one of the NICU doctors would constantly tell me that he was responding to everything like a 24-25 weeker, but I never understood why. Oddly, it brought a little peace in my heart to know that maybe the doctors were off on my conception date and my little guy was born earlier than thought..I was comforted to possibly have a further understanding as to why Max has struggled and had way more problems than a typical 27 weeker. Either way, he's our miracle baby and God has richly blessed us with him!

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