Monday, January 17, 2011

My Guys...

This little man is still lighting up our life around the Clayton household. He is inching closer to two everyday and definitely taking on all the vibrancy of a toddling little boy. If you even ask Kason how old he is going to be on his birthday he will say, "two on birthday"! While he is growing every day, this little dude still LOVES....
playing outside, any type of ball, fixing anything that he thinks is broken, helping around the house in any way, milk, wearing hats, fruit (especially nanas a.k.a. bananas), climbing up everything (he makes anything into a stool to get himself higher), his binky and blanket at sleeping times, yelling followed by laughing, knocking on doors asking who's in there...

today it was one of his other favorites, "puppies"! I think what Daniel and I are enjoying the most right now is his explosion of vocabulary. We are amazed daily by the words that he isn't just repeating, but actually labeling things correctly as well as putting 3-4 word phrases/sentences together to communicate better with us. We have been trying to teach Kason about his little brother that is coming soon and he is so funny because he will try to stick out his belly like mine and points to both our bellies and says "baby"!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 25 weeks
Size of baby: a little longer than a ruler- about a pound and a half
Total weight gain/loss: haven't kept a record...yes, intentionally...but I am definitely putting on the pounds...especially since I am starting to swell (That is right, I am sporting a wider nose and some fuller out Angelina!)
Maternity clothes: I'm tired of them much longer do I have? Although I must confess that I am terrified that I will forget to button and zip my jeans after the baby gets here thanks to my trusty elastic bands!
Gender: still lovin' that I get to add to the crazy energy, loud noises, and messiness of my other two guys!
Movement: he is kickin' up a storm...Kason will sometimes start kicking at my tummy when I am changing his diaper and I am just waiting for the other little guy to start kicking back at him! Is that bad that I think it would be funny for them to put their dukes up...I guess I am ready for the inevitable of siblings!
Sleep: not a problem here...I pass out easily, I just have the pleasure of waking up throughout the night to dramatically roll over thanks to my ever growing belly :)
Symptoms: unfortunately I am already on strict bed rest at home because I have started having similar symptoms that I did with Kason. I am being monitored 2-3 times a week in the hospital and am on a serious dosage of blood pressure medicine just trying to hold my body off from delivering keep us in your prayers!
Cravings: peanut butter and chocolate (preferably together), milk, milk, and more milk...I think we should invest in a cow between Kason and me!
Best moment of the week or weeks: having both my mom and mother-in-law help me get everything ready for our new little guy...I feel so much relief knowing that everything is washed up and organized for both my little men
What I am looking forward to: have I mentioned having another guy around the house? I don't know what it is about my hubby and son, but they are two of the most fun people to be I can't wait to add a third!


  1. Yuck! Praying that little boy stays put for you! And that you feel better and survive bed rest.
    I can't believe Kason is so big! Doesn't it seem like he (and Kate) was born yesterday?

  2. Sending lots of love and prayers from Conroe! Love to all.

  3. I love the picture of Kason on the tricycle.... so cute!

    We are praying fervently for you & baby Max.
