Thursday, January 27, 2011


Maxwell Brooks Clayton born on January 27, 2011 weighing in at
1 pound 13 ounces and 13 inches long!
Max was joyously welcomed into the Clayton Crew much earlier than desired at 27 weeks, but is holding strong! He even lasted the first 45 minutes of his life breathing on his own before he was put on a we have another little fighter on our hands! Daniel and both grandparents have been to visit him in the NICU and stories of his personality are already starting to surface...apparently he is a big wiggler who doesn't enjoy just chillin' under his tent, or doesn't want to be wet...instead he will start throwing a little fit! Hopefully I will be well enough tomorrow to be able to go see him for the first time which I can hardly wait to see the newest little guy in my life! It was so precious tonight because Daniel took a picture of Max on his phone and showed Kason his new baby brother...when Kason saw the picture he said, "Baby" and then gave him a kiss...right smack on the phone! I can already tell that Daniel and I are going to be blessed beyond belief with both of our little men!

*We can't thank everyone enough for the outpouring of prayer for our newest addition...which has brought Daniel and I so much peace through this newest adventure in our lives. We do ask that you continue to keep Max in your prayers as he has a long journey ahead of him!


  1. We are praying! You guys are really strong & have obviously passed it on to those boys!

  2. Congratulations! And how are YOU doing, Natalie?

  3. Congrats!! Praying for a quick recovery for you and little Max.

  4. Natalie is amazing, full of faith and courage. We are so blessed by her. Max is a little miracle baby. We pray without ceasing for both of you. Love, Nana and Pops

  5. Jan. 27 is my brother's birthday (I won't tell you what I think this omen means! jk). We are SO very happy for you guys and will continue to pray for your journey from this point on.

  6. God is so good, we are so happy everyone is doing well! Sending lots of prayers and love to you~

  7. Another precious (and LONG) baby boy! Praying and praying for your sweet family!

  8. Praying for Baby Max as he begins his journey. I was touched by your comments. Thank you for sharing Kason with me, he is such a joy. I'm sure his little brother will melt a few hearts too. Love you!
