Friday, December 31, 2010

A Hard Working Day...

Kason is having way too much fun playing ALL DAY LONG with all of his new Christmas goodies! Mimi and Grandpa gave him a bed tent to match his mountain/camping themed room and he LOVES it! He has been sleeping in his "big boy bed" for about a month now and doing amazing! He will even wake up in the morning or from nap time and just talk to himself until we come get him out of bed...yes, we know how lucky we are!
Daniel and I enjoy getting him up every morning because he plays "peek-a-boo" through all the windows!
Our little stinker is also a huge helper around the house and couldn't stop himself from helping his daddy tile the laundry room the other day...
He thought he was such a big boy using his new saw to help make cuts around the door frame just like daddy!


  1. How fun is that bed tent? What a great gift. Kason is such a cutie!

  2. I LOVE the tent bed! How stinking perfect is that!?! Also, I enjoyed all your Christmas posts, & especially liked the pictures of Daniel & Kason "sword" fighting!
