Wednesday, July 31, 2019

May 2019...

May was a busy month as we wrapped up school and started itching for summer! We tried hitting up the pool as much as we could in the evenings, we enjoyed our back patio, harvested green beans daddy grew, played at the park, and loved lazy Sunday mornings listening to Daddy preach up north.
 {Zoe lost both front teeth in a day! Her friends stood around her on the playground and shouted, "pull it, pull it, pull it" and what do you know...she did!}
{Best picture ever, hahaha!!!} 
 I went to Minnesota one weekend to visit a sweet friend and Daniel took the kids to his parents house so the guys could go fishing. Check out their amazing catches!!
On Cinco de Mayo, the AC unit went on our church building, so we had worship at our house followed by taco stack up! 
 Zoe had her first music concert at school and did fabulous. I had to work the event and I'm not sure Daniel took any pictures. At least I got this cute shot before we went in!
 Kason had his first art show at Valor. He did incredible work and we were so proud of him! Here are a couple of his pieces that were displayed...
 Max had a rough May as we finished school. He got sick a lot,  I'm guessing because it was so busy and stress can wear him down. Kason to the rescue! Kason is so good with him and helpful especially during times of sickness. In fact, he has asked several times to feed Max and was thrilled when we finally said yes. We don't want him to ever feel burdened by Max, so we've been pretty protective of Kason and Zoe to not dump on them or force them to be caretakers.
Max's teachers are awesome at sending me pictures. This was his award ceremony for life skills units!
 Our neighborhood had another block party this spring. We set up bounce houses and a snow cone machine while neighbors supplied burgers, hot dogs, and sides. We love seeing old friends and meeting new ones!
 We spent Memorial Day with friends hanging out. This is one fun, crazy crew of kids!
 Since Zoe has a summer birthday, we made treats for her to celebrate with friends during lunch. She was very specific. She wanted a large rice krispy treat dipped in chocolate and covered in sprinkles!
The last day of school was bittersweet for me. I simply adored my class and was sad to say goodbye. Especially to this little fella, Lennon, who stole my heart this year. On the other hand, I couldn't wait for summer with my own littles!
Bring on summer fun!!

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