Sunday, February 4, 2018

Disney World Day 1...

Before I even get started on this incredible week, I have to give a HUGE shout out to Mimi & Doc (who shared this experience with us) and Aunt Shaye. 
Mimi and Aunt Shaye did most of the research and planning for the trip. They are the ones who coordinated every day, got up early to secure fast passes and dining, and created an incredible itinerary. Each day was thought out carefully and maximized what we could accomplish at each park. The Clayton Crew was thrilled to go along for the ride! I was particular about making sure Max had Mickey to wear each day since he's our favorite along with helping Zoe feel magical each day. I had so much fun planning all her outfits...even if I did go overboard just a bit ;). Little lady only gets to experience this once, so I wanted it to be dream like for her...
I mean, look at those shoes! Anyway, let's get started with the good stuff, our first day was at Magic Kingdom.
We kicked off our first day by enjoying breakfast at the Beast's Castle...
Followed by obligatory Disney pictures, haha!

After that, we just had FUN! I really enjoyed our first day at the parks. We were able to soak up as much magical fun as possible and riding as much as we could. Our crew did start with the carousel as the first ride...
This might have been the only ride Max actually liked the entire week, poor thing. He wasn't really into the rides. He did really well hanging out in the stroller while the rest of us rode.
We did have him do several rides with us so he could experience Disney with us. Our crew called it the Max Pass because between him and our Fast Passes, we didn't have to wait in very many lines.
I was super proud of Zoe, she tried a few extra rides this time (compared to when we went to Disneyland). She & Sophie are buddies on these trips while Kason & Sadie are in the roller coaster club. They are adrenaline junkies and think the higher/faster, the better!
It's pretty cute to watch them get pumped about rides. Disney was absolutely gorgeous this time of year as it was decorated for Christmas! I wish I had done a better job capturing the added magic.
When it got dark, we enjoyed an Elisa light show at the castle...
 before Mimi & I headed back to the hotel for the night. The guys along with Aunt Shaye and the roller coaster club stayed to close the park down riding rides! One of our favorite parts of each day was stopping by their confectionery before leaving and grabbing a late night snack...

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