Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Spooktacular Mummy School...

October is one of my favorite months because it kicks off the holiday season! This month the Clayton Crew shared a few weeks of spooktacular mummy school fun along with some boo-rific activities! For school, Zoe and I worked on number recognition and counting...
This girl can rock her counting, going to 15 all by herself. She knows all her numbers to 20, but her numbers don't always come out in order from 15-20 :).
Zoe love, LOVES to count, so I decided to spend more focus on number recognition...
While this month brought a lot of Halloween treats, it also brought a lot of sickness to the whole crew. Therefore, you will see our school days were shared with brothers a few times...
so I would tweak the activities just a bit for them. 
While Zoe worked on number recognition...
I would have Kason working on his Math facts...
I also had Zoe work on her fine motor skills this unit, so I made a variety of shapes and had her practice lining up candy corn (of course counting and nibbling!) while she followed the pattern...
For Kason, I mixed his up a bit by calling out his weekly sight words for him to match...
We have a book called "Room on the Broom" that Zoe absolutely adores...so after reading it, we did a little witch counting fun!
I like this activity because not only did we work on number recognition in correlation to counting, we also combined our third focus skill of fine motor skills by using the tweezers!
Of course we couldn't pass up an excuse to use stickers :)...
while labeling how old we are. Another day we worked on filling up a pumpkin tray, counting by ones all the way to ten...
followed by counting backwards on our fingers and blasting off like rockets when we got to zero...
We even took a field trip to Half Price Books to read any and all of their Halloween counting books!
*Disclaimer here: these activities did not happen all on the same day, Zoe just chooses to wear the same pjs over and over no matter what clothes I try to put on her :).* One day when Max was home sick from school, I read the 5 Little Pumpkins (another one of our favorites!) and then we made pumpkin faces together....
These felt pumpkins were such a hit, that they stayed out and were played with over and over by the kids. I just had a little basket full of different shapes for them to switch out and make silly faces. Other extra activities I had out for the kids to play with all month were lace ups...
Love this cheese face while practicing those fine motor skills!
I also had window stencils...
Halloween coloring & activity books, Halloween memory match game, and a skeleton puzzle...
Of course we can't go without getting into a mess in the kitchen together, so we made popcorn balls...
I think my personal favorite this month was playing with one of our favorite friends ever...our neighbor, Tanner! The kids had a Monday off for fall break, so Tanner came over that afternoon for a little boo-rific fun! I had a science experiment set up called Dissolving Pumpkins...
They also wanted to see what would happen to regular candy corn, so we added those in as well. We spent time talking about floating/sinking objects, we made predictions about what would happen to the pumpkins in a variety of liquids...
then we took turns examining our results!
During our wait time for the pumpkins to dissolve, these three little monsters made their own rice crispy treat frankensteins...
They turned out just adorable and were yummy too!
Another day, Tanner invited us over to paint pumpkins!
While Tanner was methodical in his painting working on a ninja turtle, my little monsters were all about the abstract art of how much paint can I put on one teeny, tiny pumpkin...haha!
They were super proud of their work and we displayed their masterpieces for all of us to oooh and aaaah over. 
 Man, I love these three silly monsters! This Spooktacular Clayton Crew (+1) learned together, played together, and had loads of boo-rific fun this month all leading up to the big day...Trick or Treating!

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