Sunday, September 21, 2014

Family Road Trip!

This weekend, the kids and I were loading up to make a little getaway to see Aunt Michelle, DB, and cousin Thane...when Daniel's plans fell through and he was able to join the road trip with us! The Clayton Crew was super pumped to go spend an overnight trip catching up with two of our favorite fellas...
Kason absolutely loves to spend time with DB because he has some serious lego building skills that no one else in the family possesses :). All he wanted to do when he got there (after hugging Thane of course) was to grab the legos and get building!
These two buds had a grand time creating all sorts of planes and battleships together...
On Saturday we somehow peeled Kason away and headed to the Ft. Worth Stockyards...
for a big Texas good time :). I had never been before (that I can remember) and was geeked to find all the fun there is for kids. When we first got there we experienced a mini-cattle drive where we saw cowboys driving longhorns.
 The boys were amazed while little lady was a little scared which unfortunately didn't get any better when we headed over to the petting zoo...
Zoe loves animals, but apparently up close they were a little unsettling. She kept running to her sweet Aunt Michelle for a little rescue all morning :). The other rascals really enjoyed petting and feeding the animals...
but I think the biggest surprise was which munchkin liked it the most...any guesses?
Would you believe Max?!? This kid wouldn't stop reaching his hand forward and leaning over to touch all the was pretty much awesome :).
At one point, the poor little guy even received a head but from a goat...eeeeek! After walking around, we enjoyed a scrumptious burger at the Love Shack...
Of course with all the littles around, we had to head back to the house for a little nap/relaxation time before Nana and Pops joined the party!
I'm seriously digging this live 3 hours from our family situation and how much more we are getting to see them. I simply adore seeing the interaction between these cousins already...
It is no secret how much we Clayton's are seriously in LOVE with our favorite nephew!
Thane is so stinkin' cute that both Daniel and I couldn't seem to keep our hands off him and those big kissable cheeks!
Thanks again Aunt Michelle, DB, and cousin Thane for hosting our crazy crew and letting us crash your house for the night. We loved every minute and are already counting down the days to see you guys again!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I had no idea you were up this way :) I can't believe I still haven't met Thane but he looks like he is getting big & I guess he will be turning one soon. And I couldn't help but notice Zoe's pajamas - they look adorable on her :)
