Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sun's Up...Gun's Up!

Yippee...our favorite time of the year is football season! Therefore, College Game Day was on first thing Saturday morning while we ate breakfast and got us pumped for the start of a new Wreck 'Em Tech season. I must say that it was quite a bit different not being in a sea of red and black hearing our Raider anthem or enjoying Tech flags waving around town, but have no fear...
it didn't slow us down from having our own at home tailgate! Daniel fired up the grill...
 while our littlest Red Raiders got their guns up! Not only was I pumped about the first kick off, I was also excited for Zoe to try on my very first sewing project...
a Texas Tech dress! Since I couldn't run out and pick up gear this year, I knew I had to get creative. Our tailgating days look quite a bit different after having kids :)...
but it's still just as much fun! Although, the little Red Raiders did get a bit out of hand indoors, so we took an early halftime break outside...
 This also gave dad a little time to watch with a smaller cheering section where he could actually watch some of the game :)...
Even though we couldn't be there in person...
this Red Raider loving family was there in spirit cheering our boys on from Austin! Wreck 'Em Tech boys...looking forward to another season of Raider Power!

1 comment:

  1. Your tailgate looks like ours - with naked children! Guess that's one of the perks of partying by yourself :)
