Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Daniel and I have always put Kason in swimming lessons every summer even though he hasn't been fortunate enough to be around a pool often enough. Sine moving into our new neighborhood and literally have the pool in our back yard (just across the street), we decided to put him in a little more technical swimming lessons...not just the quick 2 week refresher course. Kason has been going to Nitro once a week for three months now and is doing so well.
If you are a Clayton Crew follower, then you know that we have really struggled with Kason the last couple of years with anxiety and his panic attacks when he leaves us. So this has definitely been a struggle to get him there and in the water, but once he relaxes he has a blast! He has always loved to splash around, but getting in the big pool, going under water, and actually swimming has been a bit intimidating...he would just prefer to hang out on the steps or splash around in the baby pool. Therefore, our main goal was just to help him build more confidence in the water and Nitro has been incredible at that. He started out having lessons with an older instructor who was like a grandma and would gently encourage him while pushing him at the same time. Of course he started in Level 1 where they worked on just going underwater, getting comfortable in the big pool, using their goggles properly, holding their breath, etc...
Kason really enjoyed this part and has amazed us when we go to the pool now how much he loves bobbing under water. Since he was doing good and getting ready to move to Level 2, his instructor started teaching him the basics of diving into the water and gliding forward kicking your feet...
Well, little man did so well that she ended up jumping him up to Level 4A since he caught on real quickly. 
Unfortunately Level 4A focuses on learning how to push off the wall and back float, which hasn't been his favorite.
Therefore, he is kind of stuck there for now until he learns to relax a bit more. He does really well with a little support on his back or head...
but isn't quite ready to be released on his own. No worries though, we feel he has made incredible strides already! We are so proud of him for even having the courage to overcome his fears of the big pool. I'm glad to say that now when we head to the pool he is itching to get in the big pool with us rather than the baby pool...that's success friends! He also can't seem to get enough jumping off the edge into the water...which is another huge success!
Daniel and I have loved, loved Nitro and highly recommend it. Kason has only been with a ratio of two kids per instructor each time, they've been patient with him, challenged him, encouraged him, and helped him to become an even stronger aquaholic!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of Kason & can't wait for him to show off his new skills when y'all come to visit. Sadie is having fun on vacation but she is missing her swimming buddy!
