Saturday, May 24, 2014

Kason's First Sleepover...

This can't be happening, right?!? Somedays I feel way too young and am "playing house" in someone else's life, but then it hits me...this is real, surreal maybe, but very real. My little man is actually 5 and having his first sleepover with his best fun! Kason was thrilled to have Aidan come hang out last night that he helped plan an agenda :). First up...
 swimming of course!
 They had more fun splashing around, shooting each other with water guns, and having pool noodle sword fights. Which of course leads to hunger, so it was a must to make our own pizzas...
Followed by every little boys dream...
a nerf gun war. Somehow I luckily was only shot once...this momma must be fast! Next up, what every sleepover entails...
a movie! This wild and crazy crew threw back some mean amounts of milk chocolate too. Final activity of the night was heading to bed, which might have been the most precious experience ever. Kason is the oldest cousin in our family so he hasn't had the opportunity to sleep with a buddy before, so it was too adorable listening to these two guys talk until they fell asleep...
 Of course, there was a small amount of time before said sleep where they might have freaked themselves out telling each other stories about monsters living under the bed :). Surprisingly, they slept well and awoke to Kason's special treat (that he requested for his friend)...
 Mickey Mouse pancakes! Favorite moment of the sleepover was when the boys' were cleaning up and getting ready for Aidan to go, I overhead them saying to each other..."I sure am going to miss you man." Sweet memories friends, sweet memories!

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