It has been a little while since I have updated on our Mr. Max, so I thought I would share how AMAZING he is doing! For those of you who have followed his journey, then you are probably in awe (just like his family) on how incredibly far this little fella has grown and developed over the last year after his major surgery. To be honest, I didn't think we would see some of the things we've experienced for several years down the road...which is so encouraging! This little stud muffin has adjusted to our new home easily and has been soaking up the joys of spending his days out and about with this siblings...
Daniel and I decided with the transition, that we would go ahead and start challenging Max with no longer being home bound. Therefore, he has been enjoying regular everyday life going places he's never really been to like the grocery store or shops or restaurants. Even though Max is non-verbal, we've been able to tell with his expressions and excitement that he is absolutely LOVING participating in exploring this whole world that is new to him. A major goal for me was to get him into bible class at church since he has never really been around a group of children other than his siblings. He sometimes gets overwhelmed with too much stimulation, so I wasn't sure how he would handle it...but he rocked it!
Every time I go to pick him up from class, he is rocking in his chair making his happy noises :) I call that a success. He even likes to dance to the songs we sing during church which just makes my heart soar! Westover has a wonderful Angels Ministry for special needs that he is a part of and Max has a helper for each class. Can I just confess how refreshing it is to actually be a part of a church community again? Max and I have lived in so much isolation and loneliness over the last three years and are way pumped to be around the land of the living. Even though Daniel and I knew we weren't going to be strictly home bound any more as a family, we still had to get the release from his pulmonologist for academic purposes...and what do you know, Mr. Max was officially approved to be watch out world!!!
He will finish home bound school through May and start pre-school in the fall with Kason (who starts Kinder). I have already had a few ARDs on Max with the school district here and couldn't be more pleased with his education and therapy team. I have been so encouraged with my conversations at this new district in the direction they foresee Max's educational journey going and the support they will provide us. I am confident that we are right where he needs to be for him to reach his maximum potential. I fear half day pre-school five days a week is going to seriously wear him out...
especially since a one hour class with his home bound teacher exhausts him. And to be completely honest, I am really struggling as a momma to release him so young. I feel like I have already lost so much with him as a child and now I'm losing two years of him being home with me so we can help challenge him just doesn't seem fair. So while I am wrestling with my heart of what is best for my son and not for me, I have continually been convicted. As I sit here holding him in my lap typing, looking at these pictures of him smiling full of life, sharing the joy of his progress, reflecting on how far he has come...I'm reminded yet again that he doesn't belong to me. Max belongs to God, as do Kason and Zoe. Daniel and I are fortunate and blessed to be able to raise him, disciple him, love him, provide for him...but he does not belong to us. So while I want to cry, push back, and reject the reality of him starting special education pre-school since he turned 3, and I can't help but fear for him since cognitively he is only around 12 months...I have a gentle whisper from God telling me it's alright...he is in His hands...just like Max has always been...and for that, I am grateful. So here's to a few more months of fun, adventure, and days full of playtime before both my boys start school in the fall. Watch out world because they have let the crazies loose and we intend on having ourselves a good time!
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