Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Getting Our Irish On...

For St. Patrick's Day this year, we joined forces with our new friends Aidan, Ryla, and Noah for a little leprechaun play date!
I'm not sure how much they love us yet, but the Clayton Crew is having way too much fun playing and getting the know the Mullen family...yep, Mr. Aidan is already Kason's best friend! Laura Beth and I wrangled the kids to the table for them to make a rainbow masterpieces...
While the older kids were more methodical in their rainbow making skills, the littles Zoe and Noah were more interested in munching on the yummy fruit loops with an occasional color spurt here and there...
I always love to see the kids' finished artwork and their interpretation of the craft...
 so cute! When finished, the kids played and played and played some more before we enjoyed a lunch of a wee little leprechaun man, a rainbow, and gold nuggets of banana...
Before we parted ways, the kids had fun tattooing themselves...
so much so that Kason actually added several more tattoos while Zoe and Max napped! He also got to go digging for a gold...
 during quiet time and had fun playing with a little green goo :)! Max joined us for the day, but spent his time crawling around and giggling with the necklaces...he thought they were too much fun to shake, fling around the room, and then chase after them.
 These little leprechauns definitely fulfilled their "Kiss Me I'm Irish" quota for the day...
thanks to all their green shamrock cuteness!

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