Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Chapel and Party at Superkids...

I know I say this all the time, but we LOVE Superkids! Kason and Zoe's pre-school at our church is so good at not just teaching our kiddoes, but also supplying plenty of fun for them...especially around holidays. Today was their big Valentine's celebration. There is a parent's chapel every year where each class leads a song and it is just too precious to see all the little tots on stage. Our sassy little thing Zoe just adores being on stage as you can see...
 she was so proud, smiling and waving at us :)! I am sorry for the aweful auto focus was turned off and I didn't have time to readjust the settings for pictures at chapel...therefore they are mostly blurry. Oh well, at least you can make out her sweet face...
Kason every year dreads getting on stage because he is shy around large groups of people. He normally just stands there and cries, or has a panicked look on his face....but not this year though!!!
 Daniel and I were beaming to see Kason get up there smiling, sing the song, and do the motions...he has come so far!!!
After chapel, Daniel and I stopped in to each of their Valentine's parties. Kason keeps cracking me up the older he gets because these sorts of things are starting to be really important to him. I had to hide my smiles as he went through each friend's valentines noting how "cool" each one was :)...adorable!
I must confess that with the move, our Valentine's weren't as awesome this year. Kason and I really enjoy taking the time to make something for his friends every year, but it just was not going to happen in between packing boxes. Therefore, we repurposed a package of glow in the dark bugs that we found while cleaning out...
 As for Zoe, well she can care less about Valentine's from friends because all she wanted was the food!
 She is definitely the little porker of the can even see her spying her friends' plates to make sure she wasn't missing out on anything :). And yes, we did the same for little lady...we struck gold packing when we also found a package of play-doh to share.
I am just savoring all of these moments with my loves...
 it won't be long until they will be too big for holiday shirts and parties with their momma! In fact, I have a few fun lovin' activities for the real heart day check back to see what the Clayton cuties will be up to.

1 comment:

  1. Zoe cracks me up! She is just a doll! Yay Kason! I love that he enjoyed being on stage this year! Addy took her cards very serious this year also! Hilarious!
