Sunday, October 31, 2010

Go Grease Lightning...

we are coasting down the candy aisle!
Grease Lightning...Go Grease Lightning! Our little man was an adorable T-Bird this year from an oldy, but goody...Grease! Trick or Treating this year was a lot of fun and Kason was hilarious! We went to our church's Trunk-or-Treat and he wasn't scared or freaked out by anything, but he wouldn't smile because he seemed so overwhelmed by everybody! It was like stimulation overload for the little guy. He just kept staring at everyone dressed up and had a difficult time walking from car to car...he just wanted to watch everyone. Then when he would get candy from someone, he wanted to either eat it right then or take everything out of his goody bag to see what he got! He finally got the hang of it and then wouldn't leave the different cars...he would just stand there looking at them acting like "Aren't you going to give me more?" We all enjoyed our time spent with friends and Kason especially loved the chocolate overload he had when he got home!
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook

1 comment:

  1. Very creative costume!! I love it!! And the Smilebox is super cute as usual!
