Wednesday, October 6, 2010

18 Months

What else can I say, other than...attention all ladies, be prepared to be charmed by one handsome little man!!!

Click to play this Smilebox photo album
*Photos were shot by Jordan Raney, one of our fabulous college students!


  1. Those pictures were AMAZING!! I love talented photographers...but it helps when they have such an adorable model! I mean a smile can't get any cuter than that one! :-)

  2. WOW! Great pictures! So nice to have one of your students who is so talented.... but of course she had a GREAT kid to work with! Kason is so stinking cute!!!

    I hope we'll get to see you guys soon! So great to be back in Texas, but I'm ready to introduce Kason & Kennedie! I think they'll be best buds!

  3. So beautiful, wow Natalie those pictures are amazing and I'm sure Kason's cuteness helps just a little! And you made the slide show so great! Love it all- come do one for me! How in the world do you have time for that? I feel like every minute is taken of my day! Love you and praying!
