With the curve balls Max constantly throws at our family, we have just kind of learned to roll with it...for example, his 2nd birthday...which was spent during our two week stint in Houston. Of course our family couldn't help ourselves and we had to have a small dinner party to celebrate our Mr. Max...
We invited a few family friends over for some good old fashioned fellowship and fun!
Every theme for the kid's birthday party has to do particularly with each kid's interests. For Max, he really enjoys the simple things in life...nothing flashy or expensive...rather classic toys like rattles, bouncing, chewing on cars, smiling with friends.
Therefore, in vintage style I made homemade chicken pot pie and served old fashioned root beer, vanilla cream soda, and orange cream. 

I also decorated with nostalgic toys from Doc, Pops, Daniel, and DB!
For dessert, we enjoyed homemade apple pie with a few treats like a Barrel of Monkeys (old fashioned animal crackers), Tiddlywinks (waxy mints), Lincoln Logs (rolled cookies), and Pick up Sticks (Twizzlers)!
Kason was overly pumped to have all his friends over to play with, while Zoe enjoyed a few cuddles, and Max was spoiled with some birthday lovin'!
Our family is beyond blessed to have these close family friends to share our ups and downs of life with! A big thank you to the Dawson Family:

Anderson Family:
and Roberson Family:
We love you and cherish our friendships more than you could ever know! Thanks to Aunt Michelle for also stopping by, but somehow she squeezed on out of the door before her photo op :). I must admit that I feel as though our family photo truly captures the story of our lives...
"We may not have it all together, but together we have it all!" The Clayton Crew thanks God on a daily basis that our Mr. Max is here today to celebrate his 2nd birthday...
We are already looking forward to the ways he will continue to grow and develop over the next year...not to mention all of the joy he will bring to so many people's lives! We love you Maxers!!!
It looks like your party turned out cute! I have got to get a copy of Max's 2nd birthday picture so I can hang it on my picture wall :)