and let your arrow go...straight to my little loves hearts for me! While Daniel and I may not celebrate heart day with each other, we can't help but shower our three loves...
In Clayton style, we had a couple days of heart filled fun...and I maybe went a little crazy on the pictures this time :).
I just can't help but snap away with all these adorable smiles and moments happening in front of me!
In honor of the day of LOVE, we sang to and danced with the Frank Sinatra Pandora station...that is right ladies, I'm teaching him right and starting young to love the old classics! We also snuggled on the couch and watched "The Lady and The Tramp", along with creating a masterpiece...
One of Kason's most favorite activities was creating the Valentine's for his friends at pre-school. Since Kason loves him some Legos, we decided to go along with that theme...

He was brimming with excitement because I let him make the chocolates all by his little self :). They may not have looked professional, but they sure tasted good...hmmm...I mean, that is what the official taste tester Kason said. Daddy, Zoe, and I went to Kason's special chapel on Valentine's day...
Each class leads a bible song and true to our little man's personality...
he's a crazy guy around the house soaking up as much spotlight as he can and then becomes a bashful little fella on stage...
No worries though, he came back into his own when we went to his class party and lit up at all his friends' love notes...
After school, Kason helped me make dessert by stamping sugar cookies...
and loved on his brother and sister, which is something he CONSTANTLY does and they may or may not always agree with :)...
Kason was itching for Daddy to get home so he could open a few goodies they received in the mail from grandparents...
Zoe could care less about the actual gift, she just wanted the precious paper...
While Max had fun reading his new book with Daddy...
Alas, dinner time arrived where we feasted on homemade pizza...
I'm talking from scratch dough, sauce, and heart shaped pepperonis!
Kason especially loved the double doozies we made...
Each one of my loves: Maxwell Brooks...
Zoe Grace...
and Kason Maddux...
Your father and I love you with all of our hearts. You three are one of the best choices we have ever made!
You are our sunshines...
and forever light up our world with love!
This is one of the cutest posts you have had! I love all of the pictures - the individual poses, the group shots, the outfits! Your double doozie looked YUMMY! Looks like your new cookie press turned out. By the way, I am glad you are finally starting to put pictures of yourself on the blog too! We want to see Mom with all of her kids :)