to Christmas...the Clayton Crew's favorite holiday! We are so excited at our house because we have an advent calendar to countdown the days to when Santa Claus plans on visiting two little adorable boys...
You will have to check back to see all the fun activities and goodies that Daniel and I have conjured up for our little man! This season is also beginning to be more fun this year in particular because Kason is starting to understand more. He is sooooo excited about Santa Claus and has already told us (very specifically might I add) what he wants: 1. a red bike and 2. a green ladder..isn't that hilarious?!? As for Mr. Max...
I think his only wish is to feel better and I'm pretty sure that has already been taken care of! We have had a few days of super fussiness and wasn't quite sure what was going on...we thought he might just be super sore from surgery. Then yesterday, he woke up in the best mood and has been playing like crazy...
The only concern we really have right now with him is that he lost over a pound with everything going on so he is now exactly 11 pounds. You know for us, we may be throwing a little happy dance, but unfortunately for him he needs all the extra pounds he can pack on. I keep trying to convince him just how amazing food really is, but he hasn't quite caught on yet...unlike our other little guy. Don't worry, the rest of us Clayton Crew intend on bringing him over to the dark side real soon...maybe we can even convince him to add a few fat rolls!
As of right now, we are just so happy to have this precious gift at home with us. And don't you be sitting there thinking, "Wow...she has already shopped and wrapped." Oh-no, I'm not wonder woman! Since we are also counting down to the day our favorite niece is born, my mom brought their gifts on their last visit in case they were preoccupied cooing with another baby! Hopefully pictures will be coming real soon of a new addition to the Maddux side of our family tree...we can't wait Aunt Shaye and Uncle Bryan!
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