Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Swagger Wagon...

I have seriously embraced motherhood in a huge way because a couple of weeks ago Daniel and I became proud new owners of a Toyota Sienna...that is right my friends, a mini-van! I learned my lesson of never saying never again because I was adamantly opposed to driving such a "mom" car. Due to Daniel's car starting to break down, we began to explore possibilities of SUV's with a third row seat for our new family car, but quickly realized that an oh-so "hip" van was the right fit for our needs. Best part is...
the kids love it! No more Kason trying to chew on Max's oxygen cord or sticking his grubby fingers in his face...that is right...we all have plenty of room. I actually can't believe I'm about to confess this...*sigh*...I agree with the kids...*sigh*...I absolutely love it!
Yes, I still shake my head and remind myself when searching for my vehicle in a parking lot that this mom mobile is my new baby. But when you are walking to load up with two toddlers, an infant carrier, diaper bag, purse, oxygen tank...you know, mom essentials....and all you have to do is press one tiny button and the doors open...I'm telling you it is motherhood heaven! Out are the days of juggling and balancing while loading everyone up and in are the days of pure practical bliss. I'm in love my friends and hopefully you won't be too embarrassed to still send a smile or a friendly wave my way when you see me rolling up in my new swagger wagon!

*You can check out our new ride by watching: Swagger Wagon

1 comment:

  1. NOOOOO! I can't believe it happened, if you can't hold out against the mini-van mom phase what hope do I have of making it. :) As much as I hate them and really don't want to have to have one, I am jealous about the space and features- very practical.
