Thursday, February 10, 2011

Room Service Anyone?

Max and I thought it would be fun to take you on a tour of his current nursery in the NICU where he is receiving VIP treatment! Below you will see Max's personal suite...
He has to stay in a secluded room that allows minimal stimulation. Eventually he will graduate into what I call the "general population" where he is living among other babies.
As you can see, his room isn't very large...rather it is nice and cozy! The tall machine is the jet ventilator that he is currently on. Next to the ventilator is where Max lounges everyday.
All the babies have a shelf to make them feel at home. I talk to him about Kason all the time, so I decided I would provide him with some inspiration and encouragement to keep fighting just like his big brother did!
This is Max's board that the nurses keep you can read, he has finally surpassed the 2 pound mark!!! Daniel and I aren't real sure how accurate his weight measurement is because they have only weighed him once and it was using a bed scale, but any growth in Max is exciting for us. When he gets more stable, the nurses will measure him more often and we will have an accurate measurement.
Not only does Max receive exceptional care, he has his own personal sauna! With micropreemies (preemies born under 2 pounds) they dehydrate through their skin, so they live under a tent with a humidifier to keep them hydrated and warm until they can hold their own temperature.
Max also is privy to his own personal chef...but unfortunately he doesn't get much choice in the actual food selection! He is currently eating 16 cc's every three hours...or in some instances a little earlier. Max makes me laugh because he lets the nurses know well before his next feeding that he is hungry and they need to hurry...why this makes me laugh is because between his older brother gnawing on rib bones and Max getting angry at the nurses not feeding him fast enough...I think it is safe to say we have a couple of porkers on our hands! Max even has his own personal room service where they turn down his sheets and tuck him in! He is too tiny to swaddle in a blanket, so his version of a swaddler has two cloth wraps that help contain his arms and legs. Preemies need boundaries at all times to feel safe and comfortable, so the swaddler helps provide that for them. The blue around him are called frogs and they are positioned around and on top of him to also provide boundaries. See what I mean about Max being spoiled...he must love having someone fluff his pillow (or frogs) daily!

*Max Alert Update: Max was doing really great for six days, then took several leaps backwards for about five days. After scaring both Daniel and I, we are happy to report that he is finally back to making progress again. He is two weeks old...NICU goes by his gestational age which is 29 weeks. He is finally holding his own temp, so we get to see him clearly when we visit without his tent. Today was an exciting day because I got to help out with his sponge bath where I cleaned and lotioned him up...but the best part was that I got to hold him for the first time while the nurse changed his sheets. The nurse laid him on my chest and I snuggled with the little was absolutely amazing to have him so close to my heart!


  1. I loved the tour!! So glad you got to snuggle with the little angel baby. Hope you have many more experiences with him close to your heart really soon. Love, Nana and Pops

  2. Cannot put in words what is on my heart right now. We talk about Max everyday. Cassie is even showing her friends at school his pic with Daniel's ring. Rest assured many prayers are being lifted from Conroe for your family. Love to all, Sharon and Jimmy.

  3. Such a cool post! Natalie, I pray for you guys a lot!!

  4. Love this post Natalie! We are thinking of you all often!
