Friday, December 3, 2010

Drum Roll Please...

The Clayton Crew will be welcoming a new baby...
boy! We are so excited to have another little rugrat running around our house beating on everything! Daniel and I have already started teaching Kason the word brother and every time he says it, he just smiles!
Of course he really doesn't understand what that means, but hopefully by the time baby arrives Kason will have more clarity about a new baby being around.

Since I am considered high risk, we are fortunate to be able to have ultrasounds every 3 weeks. It is still a little too early to get a really good picture of baby in 4D, but here was the nurse's can at least see his face, belly, and arms. Unfortunately his umbilical cord was covering his nose and eyes, so I will post a better picture when we go again!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: an Heirloom tomato, baby is around 9 ounces
Total weight gain/loss: haven’t really paid attention, but I am definitely getting bigger!
Maternity clothes: have been wearing them since 12-14 weeks, unfortunately with your second one your tummy seems to round sooner
Gender: yeah for another boy!
Movement: small flutters and bubbles, no actual kicks or big movements yet
Sleep: not a problem here...I have finally grown out of the "grandma stage" where I was falling asleep around 8:00 or I feel like a party animal going to bed around 10:30!
Symptoms: fist trimester- was incredible, no real symptoms, felt great and had tons of energy, clothes suspiciously began getting smaller...second trimester- symptoms hit me harder, nausea, occasional vomiting out of nowhere, headaches, grandma sleeping patterns, and loads of exhaustion...thankfully most symptoms seem to be over!
Cravings: Pizza, Asian Food, and milk
Best moment of the week: seeing the beauty of creation during our ultrasound...being able to see baby's spine, brain, all 4 chambers of his heart beating, adorable little profile...also the ability to share this experience with my best friend, Daniel
What I am looking forward to: seeing Kason give his new brother hugs and kisses for the first time :)


  1. For some reason I just always pictured you and Daniel with a crew of cotton-headed little boys! I think we even predicted that way back in the day! :-) I am so excited for you both. Little Clayton is looking handsome already! Hope you continue feeling good and that things progress smoothly...praying for you and love you all very much.

  2. So exciting! Glad everything is going good.

  3. Sure did cry at the last sentence. Precious. We are praying for you guys!
