Tuesday, November 30, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

Right now Kason is continually cracking us up with his new favorite things to do and say. We can't help but laugh constantly with this little man around! Below is a list of our favorite things Kason does that bring a smile to our face...

1. Kason's smile is contagious...everyone loves it...he has a special way of lighting up the room! 2. Hats...he loves them...mostly backwards though. He enjoys wearing baseball caps, Daniel's cycling helmet, cowboy hats, fireman hats, and the list could go on!
3. His new obsession with his boots...that is right friends...we have to put them on everyday. Daniel even had an ordeal with him last night when he tried to take his clothes off to get ready for a bath...he kept crying..."boots, boots, boots"! So, Daniel finally put his boots back on to play a few more minutes before he took a bath.
4. Kason finally loves books again! We went through a period there where he decided he was too busy to sit down and look at books, but no more. The cutest thing is that he calls everything the bible! Often he will grab one and speak in a real soft voice talking while pointing at the words or pictures acting like he is reading...too cute!
5. He is such a cuddler and we love it! As you can see he even likes to give Zoe kisses!
6. As most kids, he loves to be the center of attention. He constantly cracks himself up...often we will hear him giggling at whatever he has done. Of course you can usually find Daniel somewhere in the mix of things and the other day Kason said, "Daddy funny"...then he started saying, "I funny"!

7. If you have kept up with Kason growing up, you know he is all boy and won't hardly stop for anything when he is playing. Lately if he feels stuck in a situation like on the ride home from being out of town or we aren't quite finished with dinner yet, he will throw his hands in the air and whine, "I wanna play"...so whining doesn't go over well in the Clayton household, but when he says that we can't help but laugh at how adorable it is. Who can blame him, I would want to play too instead of being strapped in a seat!

8. Kason doesn't play real often with stuffed animals, but he will occasionally pick out his monkey puppet or his soft bear on his big boy bed and hold it up next to his shoulder then lean his face close to it and hug it. I will have to snap a pick of it sometime because it is really sweet seeing him love on his animals!

I know this list could go on for a mile because we are so bias when it comes to our little man...but hey, what parents aren't right? God helps us to fall in love with our kid's quirky and unique personalities so when they are throwing temper tantrums (like we are currently experiencing) you can't help but smile at the goodness of God!


  1. This little guy has personality!! My fav is the "diapered cowboy"!! Love, Nana and Pops

  2. I love the boot picture.... hilarious!!! I cracked up when I saw it!
