Sunday, March 31, 2013

"Egg"stra Special Play Date...

This year for our Easter activities, Kason and I invited our good friends Mrs. Deanna, Emie, and Will to join us for a hoppin' good time! To prepare, we made carrots for all our bunny friends at pre-school and our play date...
I usually do all the activity planning, but Kason was excited to join in on the fun since Emie was coming over. He helped me set the table...
and decided we needed to make them egg lace-up party favors :). He also requested that they hunt for their lunch again...
so Deanna and I filled up their eggs with scrumptious kid goodies and let them loose! Mr. Max had fun bouncing and watching all the egg hunting action...
while Zoe was just excited to practice her new skill of feeding herself...
After lunch, the younger kids (Emma and Will) made bunny tails while the big kids (Emie and Kason) made Easter bunnies...
There was definitely a whole lot of bunny bait temptation going on during our project that I think more was eaten than glued :)! But the end result turned out fabulous...
For our last activity, we took the kids outside for some Easter confetti fun!!!
The big kids had a blast with their confetti eggs...
They took turns smashing the eggs on their own heads, as well as each others...
I'm thinking this may be a new tradition...
it was definitely a hit! Sweet Emma was ready for a nap, but Will partied a bit longer while trying to figure these eggs out...
Kason and I are so thankful that we have good friends who hopped on over to our house to enjoy a little Easter fun with us...
We had an "egg"stra ordinary fun time Emie and Will!

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