Monday, October 31, 2011

9 Months Old...

Mr. Max is inching even closer to his first birthday as he is now a 9 month old...adjusted he is a 6 month reality he is developmentally around a 4 month old. Maxers is finally weighing around 12 pounds. He is no longer just batting at objects...Max now reaches for objects and grasps them in his hands. Daniel and Kason started a game with him where they will smack their lips and Max will return the sound. It is hilarious to play with him and Max has even started the smacking to see if anyone is around!
Aunt Shaye and Uncle Bryan sent us Max's Christmas gift early and it is the most amazing thing...may I introduce you to the Nap Nanny. I had looked at one while he was in the hospital, but never did take the plunge in purchasing it. When we were in Frisco, Max borrowed his cousins and fell in love. I even rig it at times so he has toys and a mirror to play with...
then of course he wears himself out...
and catches some needed zzz's! Max sleeps really well and occasionally has rough nights like most babies. He still has his extremely fussy days, but those are decreasing in number. Max is starting to really enjoy being held even more and more along with interacting with with others. He really likes his big bro...
often times if he starts fussing Kason will cheer him up. I even heard Kason telling him one day, "It's okay Max...Mommy is taking good care of you." So sweet!
I never seem to get tired of watching my boys adore each other!

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