As you can tell, Kason is excited to start school on Tuesday...Superkids that is. Superkids is our Tuesday/Thursday preschool at church. Kason will still go to Vickey's during the week, but she takes all of the older kids to Superkids. While I am nervous the transition of going from Vickey' Superkids, I know he is going to LOVE it because he LOVES people so much- he never passes up a time to socialize and play.
We have his backpack and lunchbox ready to go for Tuesday! He even had a list of school supplies we had to go get and bring to "Meet the Teacher" on Thursday night. As you can tell, Kason decided to check everything out. He was especially partial to the watercolors and I could hardly get them back from him to put back in the bag.
Kason is in Mrs. Stacey's class a.k.a. The Daisy class! When we got home from meeting Mrs. Stacey, I let him explore his folder which he decided to help me read through his papers!
WOW! He's growing up so fast!! Before you know it you will be packing his bags for college instead of preschool!! ;-) He's such a handsome little toot! :-)