Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The kids on the bus go round and round...

round and round, all the way to school! Our bags were packed Monday night, ready to go for Tuesday morning...
and Kason could hardly wait to get to his first day of preschool!
Daniel brought him to work with him until the school day started, and Kason decided to carry his own lunch to class...what a big boy! Daniel said he was a little clingy all morning while he was trying to work until he got to his room and saw all the kids...then instantly he was clingy no more! He was all about playing with all of his new friends!!! He had a really great first day, but was sooooo tired when he got home that day. That night when we asked him if he was ready for bed- he said "night, night" while walking to his bedroom and then stood there holding the rails until we caught up with him to give him his blanket and binkie to sleep with. It was too cute...oh how we loves those sweet moments!


  1. So sweet!

    Love that he carries his own lunch case!

  2. How exciting! I can't believe he is in preschool- I can't imagine where he gets his extravert personality from. :) I wish we could be closer as our boys grow up!
