Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back to Life...Back to Reality...

The Clayton Crew survived the summer...we played a lot, traveled, visited family, remodeled our home, and played some more! I must confess that I had blast pretending to be a "Stay at Home Mom" for the past couple of months, but am now being faced with reality as I am starting school tomorrow...bummer! On another note, we are excited to say that we finally joined the real world again this past week by getting TV/Internet/Home now I am back in the blogging world...yeah!!! Our remodeling is nearly finished, so pictures will be up soon of the journey we lived through this summer along with pictures from our travels. I am fully aware that you don't care about any of this. All you really want to know is how Tooter is doing and do we have big news for you...drum roll please...

Kason is finally walking!!! He started taking a few steps at a time at the very beginning of July, but he took his sweet time and didn't really let loose until last weekend. Now he is everywhere and doesn't want to be anywhere near your arms...he strongly believes that his feet should be planted (or maybe more wobbly in his case) on the ground. Another big development for our little man is he finally learned how to clap! I know several months late, but better later than never, right? He still provides us with a daily dose of giggles and we still can't get enough of him...oh how we are both addicted to being around this little dude! Hasn't he gotten so big? I love how he is looking more like a little boy everyday and how his personality is really beginning to shine even stronger...Daniel and I are loving this stage of his life because he brings so much vibrancy to ours!!!


  1. Hey, I totally care! There are still two adults living in your house, right? :)

  2. I sure have missed you guys! Love the pics. Kason looks so cute in his big boy shirt and jeans. Everybody look out. There's another toddler on the loose. Have a great school year. Love to all.

  3. Yay Kason!!!! I really would love to get him & Addy together sometime, they would have SO much fun! And I REALLY want to see the pictures of your house...I am sure it is magazine perfect!

  4. Hey Natalie!! I would love to see some pictures of your house! What are you teaching this year?? Although you are an amazing teacher, I know it is bittersweet to go back every year now. Congrats to Kason on his latest achievement! He is looking more handsome all the time! :-)

  5. Yeah Kason is walking!!!! I can't believe it! he is getting way to big way to fast! Where does time go? He is such a cutie. I can't wait to see photos of yall's house!
