Monday, April 12, 2010

Everyone is always asking, so...

your answers are here! People always wonder how far Kason is behind in development since he seems to be doing so well. Here is your update: Today was Kason's re-evaluation for ECI (Early Childhood Intervention). A dietitian and occupational therapist from ECI have been working with him this past year, so today we revisited his progress to chart where he is. Drum roll please...our little man averaged 11 months-13 months old in development depending on the category (example categories would be fine motor skills, self care, eating, etc). Kason is 13 months old, so he is right on track with some categories and just a month or two behind in others which is awesome! Sad news is that he is really low in speech communication. Basically, he is around a 6 month old in comprehending what we are saying to him and around an 8 month old in how he communicates with us. For example, Kason is only saying "mama and dada", no other words...he can't wave or say "bye, bye"...he refuses to do sign language to communicate when he is hungry or finished eating...etc. Daniel and I already knew that he isn't where he should be within speech communication, but had no clue it was so low. We have all been discussing for a couple months now about getting tubes for Kason to help with his hearing and constant ear infections. Kason tries to speak to us, Daniel and I can sometime make out what he is trying to say. The OT gave us a good example: he doesn't understand what we are saying because everything he hears is like he is under water, that is why when he tries to mimic us, it doesn't sound the same. Therefore we are seeing an ENT in wish us luck! On the up side of things, our exciting news is that he is around a 16 month old in his attention span (shocker, right? He is everywhere, all the time, never stopping!). This category refers to him having the ability to play by himself for around 10 minutes...that is if everything is baby-proofed! Another example is that he allows me to read a simple sentence book to him...etc. Even more great news is that he is around a 19 month old in adult interaction! Which is actually no surprise considering he LOVES people and won't stop smiling at everyone! As you can tell from the pic, he is right on track with self care in the area of sleeping...he plays so hard that he just poops out for 12-13 hours a night...aren't we so lucky!


  1. That is awesome Natalie! How exciting for you as parents to have brought him so far and watched him grow So much! Good luck with the tubes..hope it gets rid of those yucky ear infections for good!

  2. I think its a good thing that you are getting him checked out by an ENT...I had a friend with a little boy who was really struggling with speech development...he was about 2 years old and still not talking at all...once they decided the ear fluid was the culprit and got!! He really took off and made leaps and bounds with his speech. So I would be willing to bet (you know since I'm a medical expert and all! lol) that you would see a huge difference if you do take that step with Kason. Anyways, Kason continues to be a miracle and testimony to faithful prayer each day and I'm so proud of ALL of you!! Love ya!

  3. I'm so glad you posted an update about Kason, what wonderful news. Kason is so blessed to have parents that love him and have helped him get as far as he is! You and Daniel are awesome, we will be praying for your appt. in May. Love you Nat!
