cuter than ever! So these last two weeks have been insanely busy due to Kason being on steroids and sick. He has been over-active and has had difficulty sleeping. He is finally starting to feel better and beginning to get back into his usual routine. He is doing amazing developmentally! He has taught himself how to sit back down after pulling up...which means more sleep for mommy and daddy!!! For the past two weeks he would pull himself up in his crib and then cry because he didn't know how to get down. Another exciting development is that Kason is side step walking. He loves to walk while holding your hands, but just last week he began pulling himself up and then walking around to whatever he spots without any assistance. I am already anxious to buy baby locks for our cabinets because it won't be long until little man begins to explore the entire house on his own two feet!
Speaking of feet, Kason does the cutest thing with his. If you notice in the picture above, Kason crosses his feet all the time. Daniel and I think it is too adorable! He will cross them when he is getting his diaper changed, while sitting and playing, cuddling in your lap, and the cutest is when he is sleeping on his side in bed with his arms crossed the same way!
I have been wanting to get a close up picture of his teeth and I finally got one! Like I said in the previous post, he already has five teeth and is cutting two more on the bottom. I am so excited for him to be able to start eating finger foods at dinner with us...I guess the mess is about to begin!
I love his teethy grin!! He is so cute!