Monday, December 14, 2009

Kason's First Word Was...

Momma! Well, I should actually confess that he doesn't really know what he is saying...but these are the first coherent sounds he has put together. Daniel and I practice saying momma and dadda with him constantly, and now it has finally paid off. Of course you can imagine that I am on cloud nine that he said momma first!!! Here is how it went down...we were shopping in Target for 18 month old girl's clothing for our angel tree kid and Kason wasn't getting enough attention (a.k.a. in Daniel's terms: Kason was embarrassed by all the pink frills) so he started fussing and then blurted out mamamama while he looked at me and held out his arms! I almost started jumping up and down, but no worries I stayed calm- just applauded him and showered him with praise and lovin'! Other words we are working on are Zoe (our sassy dog who he LOVES), bye-bye (along with waving), more/please/thank you (also in sign language), and one of his most favorite words...his name. We have a song we sing about our family and anytime we say his name, he smiles real big and giggles! Another fun accomplishment that occurred tonight is that Kason pulled up for the first time. He enjoys standing and will pull himself up while holding on to your hands in your lap, but hasn't actually figured out how to pull himself up from crawling to sitting to standing until tonight. I didn't get any pictures tonight, so these below are from a few days ago. None the less, they are still adorable of our little man!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that his first word was "momma"- how special for you! Very cool.
