Sunday, October 25, 2009

Playing, Playing, and More Playing

Sorry I have not updated on Kason recently, in addition to our busy schedules, Daniel and I went on vacation with some college friends last weekend. We are back now and hopefully life will begin to slow down, although I don't know if that is possible with a little rugrat around the house! In regard to the little rugrat, he is doing amazing...growing like crazy!!! He is 7 months and is weighing in at 17 pounds, measuring around 26 1/2 inches long. He is teething so everything he touches must also be inserted into his mouth for tasting. He finally learned how to roll over from his back to his tummy. If he is not sleeping, then he is playing, laughing, and giggling...his favorite past time! He is eating three times a day now and enjoying himself might I add. He loves his food! We are still working on getting him to sit by himself. He holds his body up well, but is still a little wobbly when you let go...he ends up crashing to the floor and then laughing. The problem is that he likes to stand so much, that he doesn't want to practice sitting. He would much rather be standing, bouncing, or balancing on one leg. The older he gets, the more interactive he is becoming. Daniel and I are having a blast and can't wait to get home everyday from work to play with him. We have his Halloween costume ready to go for next weekend, so check back so you can see our little man trick or treating for the first time!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see his cute little Halloween costume you made him. It looks like he is feeling better. That's good. We had so much fun with yall! Oh, I need your phone number so that I can plug it into my phone.
