Monday, May 27, 2013

Life is Good...

I sure love me some weekends. Weekends are filled to the brim of family time which for us is about as good as it gets in this life! The five of us love, Love, LOVE spending weekends together...especially when we get a bonus day thrown in! We kicked off our Friday night with our weekly family drive :), followed by a work day around the house on Saturday. 
Work days are one of Kason's most favorite things ever, so when he found out dad was cutting down a tree...he went berserk! 
The only problem we had was that Kason was extremely upset that his chainsaw didn't actually cut the tree like daddy's :)...hahaha! After a hard day's work, we went to visit Daniel's cousin: Floyd, Susan, and Andrew at their home outside of town so Kason could meet a few cows...
The babies even enjoyed a bumpy stroll...
which didn't last too long for Zoe because she wanted in on the fun...
She was just as mesmerized as Kason was. Mr. Max did way better than I thought, he didn't cry once while being outside and even had fun playing on the floor while we ate pizza for dinner...he has come so far. Sorry, I digress...just can't help my excitement for Max's improvements! It was a beautiful evening walking around, visiting family, meeting a few moo moo's...
and even feeding one, Miss Lily.
It took a little coaxing, but Kason finally tried it out with dad's help! Then today, we enjoyed a relaxing evening at home grilling up burgers old school style...
Sitting on the back patio with these two silly monkeys entertaining us...
Mmmmm...I just had to share our yumminess from tonight...thanks hubs!
We even had a few firsts this evening. The first was little man tasting a bit of pickle juice on a dare...
he said it was "a little bit spicy"! Little lady went on her first swing which she wasn't so sure about...
She isn't much of a thrill seeker, so she hung on for dear life searching the ground. When she finally looked up and realized she was safe...
she let out the big guns...that precious full faced smile! The last first was Kason's first of the season...
every kid's dream, sprinkler fun! Max fell asleep super early this evening and I thought he was out for the night, but he later woke up so I couldn't help but let the naked boy have a few spins...
This my friends, is what I call a perfect weekend...
spending time with my favorite loves...
at home where we unpack our hearts not just our stuff :)!

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