Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Mover, A Shaker, A Lovable Smile Maker...

Little lady is around 9 months now and just charming the socks off of everyone...
especially this momma! From her ever present full faced her slobbery her wrapping her arms around me and clutching my shirt for a snuggle up close to my neck...she is always melting my heart!
 For Miss Zoe, the question isn't so much as to what she is doing...more like, what isn't she doing? Little lady loves to crawl all over the house, stand as much as possible, tries 3-4 steps cruising around the couch or table, waves bye-bye, babbles galore, loves to wiggle & dance, enjoys playing outside, and adores both big brothers. For about a month now she has been on complete table food and feeding herself except for the spoon type foods like yogurt or applesauce :). 
Little lady is absolutely gorgeous and will surely give us a run for our money with those big brown eyes and sweet smiles.  She is starting to go through a shy phase with people she isn't familiar with, but I'm confident it won't last long because she is the social butterfly of the family. Before we know it, she will be running around the house changing her name from lovable smile maker to mischievous mess maker right alongside her brother!


  1. Gosh she is so stinkin cute! Growing so fast :)

  2. The pictures turned out fabulous! Can't wait to see new photos of the boys whenever they are in better moods :)
