Friday, April 12, 2013

Our Life Instagrammed...

Like many of you, our life is a bit busy. I do believe I need a tshirt made that reads..."I know, my hands are full." I get this comment quite often and I just can't help but smile from ear to ear and say "I know...oh, and by the way, I love it"! Call me crazy, but I do. I don't mind a little chaos from time to time around the Clayton won't last forever. So, Daniel and I are soaking in the pure joy of our three little munchkins. And anyone who knows me well (especially the poor grandparents who may receive 2-3 picture texts in a day when I go slightly coo-coo over my kids) knows that I can't help but snap pics of our daily life and share all our precious moments......
like early Saturday morning playtime with Daddy, our favorite person :). Or Kason's Saturday morning special treat...
donuts with one of us all by himself, while the babies play at home together...
Zoe loves to climb over Max, while as you can see, Maxers loves to prop his feet on her! We all know one of Max's favorite past times is bouncing, so he has extra fun when sister joins along...
We also love us some splash time...
especially when mom and dad are daring enough to crowd everyone together for a serious bath time adventure...
Some of my personal favorite times are when I catch sweet moments throughout the day when I'm home alone with the kiddos. I love Kason's imagination and that he ends up having more fun using ordinary things in creative ways, like when he wants to grill up a few burgers for us...
er...I mean Lego's! If you look closely, he turned his cape into an him :)! He is he best big brother, loves to help me take care of the babies, but most of all...
his loves to play with them like having afternoon tea parties with little lady. Or helping me feed her...
which doesn't happen too often because she always looks at me like, "What were you thinking crazy lady?!?" I just can't help but sigh at the sweetness of his attempt at being gentle with them. Besides hanging around the house, we do spend a lot of time at doctor offices. Sometimes the big kids are at preschool and it is just me and the little cuties who like to play footsies...
while other times I have all four...
I'm not sure I could personally survive these visits if it weren't for having such amazing kids! 
Somehow, I got them all trained and there is some resemblance of sanity while we are there. I know, I'm one lucky momma...look at those pros! As for Max (who these doctor visits are mainly for), is still going strong and doing fantastic! He even got a big boy haircut recently...
It was sad to cut off his 70's style long hair curls, but it was getting a bit too unruly :). I think he looks older and is still just as cute as ever...and no, I'm not bias at all! We are even excited to share that we have started challenging Max with 3-4 hours a day without oxygen...
He is totally rockin' it like we knew he would! He seriously loves playing like a little boy and being tube free for a few hours (I even take him off his continuous feed). With spring settling in, Daniel and I have decided to occasionally introduce him to germs like we did last spring/summer. The first week I took the babies to Target early in the morning while it was still pretty deserted and then last weekend while my parents were in town we took him to eat with us at and odd time for dinner. He did pretty well, no major melt downs, and sweetly slipped to sleep...
which is what he normally does when a new situation stresses him out. My most recent favorite with him is all my Maxey snuggles...
Mr. Max is so touchy and loveable...I can't seem to get enough. We are starting to really bond with him. I can't even begin to count how many times that he will only calm down for me and snuggle up against me...ahhh...sweet mommy bliss! As for little lady, well have no fear, she is still all smiles...constantly...
Zoe seriously loves being the center of attention, but really...what sassy lady doesn't?
She recently turned 8 months and thinks she is too cute and big for her own britches :).
Next post will be an update on her, but just a little teaser for you...
that is right friends, she is pulling up all by herself and is one proud little lady about it! As I always say, even on the days that these three loves...
drive me slightly bonkers, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being a mommy to these three and while our life isn't perfect, we do have fun and try to make the most of our days together. I honestly love how one moment I could pull my hair out and then the next moment I'm rolling over in a fit of giggles from something they have done. Life with little ones does provide a bi-polar atmosphere of emotions, but their pure innocence and sweetness melt my heart!


  1. I love the random blog full of Iphone pics! It's like we get a sneak peak into the Clayton Casa even though we aren't there.....

  2. Thank you, Natalie, for sharing your family with me. It always puts a much needed smile on my face. Love you guys
