Nana and Pops came in for the weekend to join in on the fun! We started our weekend off with an Easter breakfast, where we painted our Easter eggs for breakfast...
yes my friends, that is colored butter on egg shaped toast! We also had peep fruit kabobs and green eggs (Kason's color of choice)...

It was an absolutely gorgeous weekend which meant Kason enjoyed the outdoors, while Max had fun playing with eggs indoors (without o2 for a little bit!!!)...
and Zoe practiced her pulling up to standing skills which she has been doing for a couple of weeks now...
During quiet time, Kason's special treat was to stay up and dye eggs with Nana! I was so excited this year with the shaving cream idea floating around, so we tried it out...
This was by far the most fun Kason has had dying Easter eggs...
what kid doesn't love a mess! I think they turned out just precious...
Thanks to a sweet, sweet friend of ours, Wanda Dyess, she sat with Max while the rest of us went to church...
Kason loves when we all get to go together...
and I'm quite sure Max loves all the personal attention :)...
As for little lady...
well, she is a happy camper no matter where she goes because she always has a smile on her face! After church and lunch, it was time for some serious egg hunting time...
Miss Zoe skipped out on us due to nap time, but Kason didn't mind one bit because hunting for eggs was all he talked about all week! He was up for the challenge and did not disappoint...
He even found two "golden" eggs (thanks to Nana and Pops) filled with money for his upcoming special trip...
While Kason was hunting, Nana played with Max outside (which we are slowly working on, introducing him to sunshine)...
Oh yes friends, your eye sight is correct...that is Mr. Max trying to stand up!!! This is another huge development that we are all beaming about...he just loves trying to put his weight on those little scrawny legs of his :)!
Kason has been so sweet about all the goodies in his Easter bucket, he even offered a few bites to Max "if he only ate real food" (Kason's words).
I love holidays when family comes to visit...and these three bunnies especially love holidays when Nana and Pops hop on over! Now, to not sneak too many chocolates out of Kason's Easter bucket :)...
The kids look adorable, as always! All of your shopping pulled their outfits together :) Looks like y'all had a great weekend with Louis & Diana!