Mr. Max has been thriving lately and more adorable than ever...I think I say that all the time, but I just can't seem to get over all of his cuteness. While he is still slowly progressing in comparison to other children his age, he is making HUGE strides for his own development. He hasn't seemed to move past the 6 month mark, but is continually hitting milestones within a 6 month range. He now love, loves to be with people. Don't get me wrong, he still seriously needs his non-stimulation time in his bed, but more often than not he would rather be in the living room with the rest of the gang playing...
Maxers has become a bit of a busy body and has a very difficult time staying still. He has even vetoed his standing exersaucer that he used to love because it won't let him wiggle like he desires...
While this isn't the best picture, I think it captures Max's little spirit at this moment of time. He loves to squirm, wiggle, bounce, army crawl, beat his hand on hard surfaces...basically anything that has movement because movement is such a big part of his life right now. For over a month, he was confined to his bed for almost 24 hours a day because his feeding was attached to an IV pole. It was hard on Max to not be able to move as much and in my opinion didn't allow Max to have much quality of life, so I really pushed the GI doctor to find a solution. Therefore, after having surgery to switch his MIC-Key button to a J-G Tube (where his feed drips into his intestine instead of his stomach), our GI doctor has found a temporary solution to Max's screaming through the night and his weight loss. Maxers is now on a daily feed from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm. In order to get him out of bed, Kason and I went on an internet hunt to find a feeding backpack to help him be more mobile...
His new pack has been has allowed him to have his freedom back for all of his desired wiggles. We are proud to announce that Max has reached 21 pounds and is finally in 12 month clothing! He looks the healthiest he ever has been which is a relief for this momma. Since Max is getting so long and still can't sit up on his own, I have been having a difficult time bathing him in the little infant sling in the bath tub. Therefore, I purchased a bath seat for him. It has taken me about two months of introducing the seat to Max for him to accept it as a new routine and feel safe bathing in it. This morning was the first time he sat in it and didn't cry...
like I was saying...HUGE steps for this little guy! With Max, if he has one negative experience when you are working with him it can take a month or two before he can move past it for the experience to become positive. He is finally starting to overcome a few of his setbacks which is extremely encouraging to see. Max can now say three words "Momma, Dadda, and Bubba"...he doesn't actually call us these names, he more or less says them while he babbles and plays. I think he is mimicking what he hears us say to him all the time. While I yearn for the day for him to actually associate me with the word momma, I am content for now to smile every time I hear him babbling one of our names...for I know the day will come when he can assign language with people and objects.
One of my most favorite things to do is watch this precious boy sleep. He has an angelic, pure innocence about him that I adore. Even through all the struggles and pain that he experiences on a daily basis, you can see his contentment and peace while he rests...his beauty captures my heart.
Sweet Max! I hope he gets better & stronger so you can still come visit this weekend. I love his new backpack- I hadn't seen it yet!