Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Crazy Kason Told by the Iphone...

Can I just say yet again, I love this kid? 
 He maybe the coolest little guy around! I was flipping through my phone pictures the other day, just laughing at all the pics I snap of Kason during the week that I don't catch on camera. I thought it would be fun to share through Iphone pictures some of the ways this rambunctious kid plays on a daily basis. For starters, it is no secret that Kason loves the outdoors...
so you will find him out there most days if the weather won't scorch him. If he is indoor, you will find him using his imagination to turn ordinary objects into great adventures like skiing... 
or you may stumble upon him playing "Mr. Fix It"...
You may have to duck, hide, or dodge an object when you walk through our door as Kason plays his version of dress up like Rambo...
An often occurrence that happens around here is that little man will unload ALL of his drawers so he can pack up to head to either a bike race or some sporting game that he is playing in!
I moved the boys into a room together a few weeks ago, so now when I hear giggles coming from behind their door I know I will most likely walk into this...

Kason adores his little brother so much that he will put toys in bed with him so he can play, or just climbs on in himself for a little late night party! One thing Kason has really gotten into lately is music...
He is so adorable when he turns his singing voice on and rings really loud! I also must brag on little man because he can sing the entire song of Amazing Grace and it is awesome...he knows every word! In the last week, we have been gearing up for school starting again and Kason is realizing that football season is almost here... 
 unfortunately he has a little bit more time until he can hit the grid iron, but I'm having fun watching him get geeked up about it! It is a known fact that the Clayton Crew loves us some football!!!
 Most of all, I just love watching these three guys hang out together! Kason definitely adds some pizzazz and energy to our house thanks to his rambunctious spirit and creative imagination!

1 comment:

  1. No question - he's definitely the coolest!
    Debbie G.
