Sunday, June 24, 2012

Spoiled Rotten...

What a fun weekend the four of us had...thanks to being spoiled by Nana and Pops visit!
Nana and Pops came to the rescue to help out with Kason while Max had minor surgery Friday morning...tubes put in his ears. Kason had this same procedure, so we knew it wasn't major, but due to Max's past history and his lung disease the doctors decided to take more precautions. He had surgery at the hospital instead of an outpatient surgery center...I was even prepared to stay at least one night, if not two in the hospital. The fantastic news is that Max was home within an hour after his surgery!
This little trooper must be a pro at surgery now because he cried for about 5 minutes in recovery, took a long morning nap, and then played the rest of the day! It was almost as if he even knew that this was a "no sweat" kind of surgery...he sure made this momma and daddy proud! With Max rocking along, we had the entire weekend to devote to some serious play time! Nana and Kason went fishing off the set swing...
We all played a little backyard baseball where we fielded for little man...
 I mean, look at the serious determination on this guys face...
 I must confess that I got a little time off thanks to Nana and Pops. I got a pedicure, went boutique shopping (which I haven't done in at least 6 months, if not longer), and didn't really have to cook or clean dishes all weekend courtesy of my fabulous in-laws!
We sure love our Nana and Pops...we can't thank you enough for spoiling the entire Clayton Crew not just this weekend, but all the time!

1 comment:

  1. We think Kason and Max are the cutest! So happy to see them both doing so well!
