Maxers is always keeping Daniel and I on our toes. His latest endeavor has been to scream for 4-5 weeks straight through the entire night, but then in the day...
play up a storm like nothing is wrong...little stinker! After lots of time spent on doctor phone calls and visits, a couple rounds of antibiotics, a trip to the ER for xrays and an IV feed, and an MRI later...we finally found the problem....his stomach is the culprit. We are currently working with his GI specialist to help our love bug get some sleep so in turn Daniel and I can get some rest too. Since he has had cried so much, he actually lost a little weight this month...but I'm sure this roly poly will gain weight again real soon. I wasn't joking when I said this little guy loves to move around...
If I can't ever find him on his mat, then I know just where to look...under our coffee table!
There are times I have difficulty doing his exercises because he is too busy trying to roll out of my arms! Mr. Max LOVES textures and I often find him wiggled up under the coffee table to pat the table and carpet, next to the couch to pat the leather, patting the wood floor, and even cuddled up to the fireplace...
Our occupational therapist even gave us a brush to introduce another texture and to rub on his right side to stimulate the brain and he giggles like crazy! Maxers also loves playing peek-a-boo with Kason and his blanket because he really likes soft textures rubbed on his face. One of my favorites is that he grins from ear to ear whenever I try to tame his wild hair by combing it down with my hands. Speaking of hands, Max's BFF is still his left hand...
You will often find him staring at his BFF, smiling, or even sticking his thumb out while checking it out! What our vision therapist has explained to us is that since he not only has trouble seeing, but also struggles with processing what he sees, he explores his world through his hands. Which explains his love of his left hand, textures, and even why he enjoys holding and looking at our hands too.
I think the best news that I can hardly wait to share with everyone is that Max's hearing isn't as bad as we originally thought! Our audiologist and ENT have recommended that we put tubes in Max's ear because most of his trouble is with his middle ear. The exciting news is...drum roll please...that after tubes are placed, they predict he will have zero loss in his left ear and only 10% loss in his right most likely no hearing aides!!! Our God is good as He continues to help us solve a few of Max's mysteries!
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