What an awesome week this has been! The Clayton Crew finally got back to our daily routines, Superkids started, and Addy came to play! Of course we can't leave out Maxers...
he has been playing up a storm right along with us! These past few weeks have been a little crazy with getting everything reorganized from Christmas, Kason went to visit his Nana and Pops, and Daniel went on a ski trip with the college kids. While Daniel was packing, Kason just had to try on all his cool gear...
yes my friends...even his ski socks! Daniel and I plan on taking the boys skiing next year and Kason can hardly wait...
he is just a little excited to try! As for what Mr. Max is up to these days, well I am working really hard with him on sitting up.
He is no where near ready to sit by himself, but he is doing a really good job with head control so I'm working on helping him strengthen his core. Max seems to enjoy himself when we try and can sit for 2-3 seconds with heavy support before toppling over. Kason has even joined in the fun...
We saw the nutritionist yesterday and Max weighs exactly 12 pounds! We are headed in the right direction and couldn't be more excited. She is even having me increase his caloric intake during his continuous night feed. With Max getting the right amount of calories daily has not only helped him become more active, but boy let me tell you he now has a temper...it is hilarious! Don't get me wrong, this guy has cried, screamed, and whined a ton these last few months, but it has never been full force. Now that he has his full energy and you do something that he doesn't particularly care for, he surely lets you know through a full lung cry...I love it! You must think I'm crazy for being happy about that, but when your baby is sick and is just trying to survive and then he does anything like a regular, healthy baby...it just brings a smile to your heart to know that he is getting better.
These two boys make our lives better. Even when my hair is frazzled, laundry isn't put away, dishes need to be unloaded, Max is whining, and Kason is trying to shoot hoops with the pot you are cooking dinner in...even then, when I'm at my wits end from a long, busy day...I stop and smile because I couldn't be happier with my blessed life! :)
He looks good sitting up!!!! Way to go, Max (and Mom)!