Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Of course we always have a party going on in the Clayton house, and Christmas has only added to the fun! One night while I was finishing up wrapping a few gifts, I had two gift wrap rolls empty which ended up being used in a gift wrap sword fight between Kason and daddy!
Daniel and I are having so much fun with Kason this year because he is a little bit older and having too much fun opening up presents! Plus, this is the first year we have ever been at our own home for it was a nice treat to relax at home with little man as he ripped open his gifts...then played all day long!
This year Santa brought him a brand new work bench so he can "fix it" (as he says) just like his daddy! Kason has loved helping Daniel out with "fixing" the house and so Santa thought he might enjoy his own tools...
which he does! I mean, look at that determination on this face...
Don't forget though friends, safety first...
As part of our Christmas gift to the boys, Daniel and I are going to turn the 3rd bedroom into a playroom/guest room for Kason and Max to play while the boys share a room for sleeping. Therefore, what better way to add to playful fun than a sit and spin...
around and around and around he goes! That is until he falls off dizzy!!!


  1. I'm so glad they are still making Sit 'n Spin! That was my favourite toy ever. Merry Christmas!

  2. Precious Pictures Natalie! Abbye also got a Sit N Spin and it is a favorite! Merry Christmas
